Private Creative Writing Instruction

Want to start the novel you’ve been outlining at work?

Need help discovering the focus to write a compelling memoir?

Every class is custom-tailored to your needs.

What I do:

Writers need other writers for inspiration and motivation, for building and trashing, for a high five and a sob.

I can be that other writer. I can be your coach. I can help you craft the story you want to tell.

Lake Michigan Dunes

“After two months of Lex's workshops, I'm bringing to life my childhood in the Indiana dunes with dialogue that is lively and a hell of a lot of fun to write.”

-William Coats, current student, Oak Park, IL

I’ve taught English and creative writing since 2008 in Chicago and Philadelphia. My fiction has appeared in the Chicago Reader, HAD, Hypertext, Corium, Eleven Eleven, New Madrid and various other journals and anthologies across the country. In 2013, a selection of my work was included in the short story collection Wells and Sonne (Lark Sparrow Press).

Since becoming a private instructor, I’ve worked with over fifty clients who have published extensively in national literary magazines. Their short stories, chapters and personal essays have appeared in The Great Lakes Review, Collateral, X-R-A-Y Magazine, BULL, Hypertext, Barzakh and others.

Let’s bring your story to life.